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Ode to My P'pere

Hello and Thank you all for coming today to see my wonderful Grandfather off. For those of you who don't know me My name is Heather Pitman Henry-O'Connor. I am the first grandchild of Paul and Margaret Pitman. I was born in 1974 and all through my life my grandfather has been there as a friend, teacher, and my very favourite minister. it was I who named him P'pere. French for father. It was I who named my grandmother M'mere French for mother. This I don't remember but I've been told this all my life. I guess I must have thought when I was little that they were my parents too, not only my mother and her siblings..that I was their child too. Just trying to fit in and make them mine.

Like many in my family I have my grandfathers name. It might not be there for you to see
like in my lovely Aunt Paula. Or in the case of our newest family member Samuel Paul.
But my grandfather's name, his trademark, his seal of approval is there in me day and and night. I know and feel this when I sit down to write stories in the evenings or when I think about and pray to God every morning. It's there very clearly when I am drawing, painting or doing anything creative. I could feel it epsecially when I was a young girl sitting in the front row of the church in Brighton. I remember my grandfathers Booming voice extolling some important message from Jesus or Mathew, Luke & Mark. I might not recall the exact text, but I haven't forgotton the importance of his words. Or the loudness. ;)

My grandfather might be physically away from us now, gone to see his angels in Heaven. Where I know he will be waiting for me and the rest of us someday. Possibly he's Visiting the wonderful family members who've left us many years ago. But he will always be inside of me, my sister, my mother, My uncle, all of us. His passion, his love , his strong spirit will forever be there ..guiding us like an old friend to the end of our days. Don't be sad for him today lift up your hearts and see him...he's never far away. He hasn't really left us, he's just a few steps in front of us, like he has been always.

See this piece of paper. These words on this paper. They are meaningless in the long run. They will never be enough. I can not put into words how much love I have for him and my family. These words are but a small piece of my feelings for him. A drop in the bucket really. They will never be enough. But my grandfather and I have long not needed words to make us feel special or close. All I had to do was hold his hand, or he mine to know what he was saying or trying to express to me. Do not feel sad for me, do not wish me the peace after grieving. For I no longer grieve. I don't miss my grandfather, as he is not far from me or my spirit. He is right here inside my heart. Inside my brain.So I won't ever have to miss him or say anything to him, because he already knows.

I love you P'pere sleep sweet.

Written By Heather O'Connor on October the 8th 2002 at 8 am.

My P'pere